©CIDS 2025

Dental Implants

We use dental implants by Nobel Biocare, Straumann, Bredent companies

Highly qualified staff and unique equipment (CT scanner, intra-oral scanner and laboratory scanner, navigation programs 3Shape Implant Studio, Blue Sky Plan, NobelClinician) make in-house treatment possible at all stages, including fabrication of surgical templates. This shortens the duration of treatment for the patients and enables us to predict the treatment result

Dental implant planning using a surgical template


Advantages of dental implant placement using templates:

Templates shorten the duration of surgeries;

Surgical templates make it possible to position dental implants accurately;

Templates make it possible to place dental implants without incisions directly through holes in the template;

After-care period reduces considerably in cases of placing dental implants without incisions;

Virtual modelling of templates makes it possible to model the future look of dental arches and predict the treatment result;

The use of dental implants navigation ensures faster temporization and final prosthetic solution procedures.

The majority of dental implantations are carried out based on immediate dental implantation and immediate dental implant prosthetics methods at our Center

We are constantly improving our knowledge base and skills. We follow surgical treatment standards, that are grounded in international best practices and are time-tested. Such treatment shows a high degree of painlessness, security and stable long-term treatment results.